Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Homestay Melaka 2011

okay, first of all, this blog is pretty much 'berhabuk' as i didn't write any post for quite a long time.

then here comes tonight where i just remembered,
         'oh, lama tk update blog'

then, for a second thought,
         'alah bukan ade org bukak pun kaaann?' lol

apepun, tonight aku nk cerita psl lawatan ke melaka pada 16 dan 17 November. It's something like homestay at the countryside. I think the objectives is to make us teenagers to experience the life of an 'orang kampung'

so, how's the lawatan?

this thing is damn awesome with only 20 orang je yang pergi. srsly

so the bus is pretty much kosong and it's like two seat for one person.

and the activity? it's fricking cool ! we kutip the 'getah sekerap' and squeeze it like shit to make sure it is dry enough.. then their smell is fricking 'bacin' ==

we played with the belut and their slimy thingie we sapu at our face. eeuww

then we mandi at the kolam...but for me, it was like a swamp and i did drank the muddy water and guess what? it taste like child poop == err i don't really like to talk 'bout that

Bandar Hilir :D

that night, we  went to Bandar Hilir and naik Cruise and jalan-jalan and stuff. But, I really don't understand Melaka.. It's 10p.m and the shops and the city itself seem 'sleeping' at that time. I mean if in JB or KL, it's 2 a.m but people still hang out and have supper. they pretend that it was 2 p.m

teacher gave permission to jalan-jalan around Bandar Hilir and berkumpul semula at the bus in 1 hour. and to be truth,1 hour isn't enough.

and we late exactly 26 minutes.

we went to A Famosa and the time is 11 p.m. I MEAN 11 P.M !!
people around there must be asking what the hell those kid doing up on the A Famosa in the night.

then the driver was mad at us coz we're late.

act, we're making things even out. earlier in the morning, we stopped at R&R and had a breakfast. After we finished we waited for the driver for like 1 hour or something. Then the teacher asked me and my friend to look after the driver.

We did found him, at the souvenir shop, looking at some damn keris and says,


and i was like WTF MAN?! !#$%*&

so we're are even.
we're late and you're late too?
you okay with that?

then we went back to the homestay. we had some small supper. I didn't ate very much. I already had a McD at Bandar Hilir. So i just move on.

that night, we're preparing to sleep. then some motherfuckers made us to lepak outside for awhile.
we lepak under something like gazebo or pondok and start sharing ghost stories, about that place, about our 97 years old school, about gadjets, about some popular kid, about anything we could talk about untill 3a.m

it's freaking cold outside and these motherfuckers only wears kain pelikat and boxers. i think their balls must be made up of boiled eggs.. i guess.

then, someone tells that we should get inside and sleep. but i can't even close my eyes so i hang out with some gays on their bed and get to sleep.

Day 2
Then the Sun shines. Morning arrived

The Subuh is waaayy colder than the night. #lol,subuh mana ada matahari xDD

Then, after breakfast, we did some sukaneka thingie like terompah gergasi, baling selipar and stuff. In the evening we went to the sawah padi, rubber estate, kilang batik and kilang berus sabut. i guess, i cant remember everything

Then we went straight home. Actually, we could've went to the Batu Pahat Wet World, but i guess the driver must still mad at us so he say he can't take us there.

Then we had ABC Cendol on the way home, at Ayer Hitam. Then I fell asleep until we reached Skudai.
We arrived school at 7 something p.m. hang out at Tepian and went home.

So, that's pretty much of my journey this time. I'll surely miss all the stuff and the guys too :DD



Sunday, November 6, 2011

Salam Aidiladha :D

okay, i know it's a lil' bit late, but,
i wish y'all muslims


as for Lembu and Kambing
we're veryvery sorry
you worth it,
you deserves the Heaven :)

p/s: raye haji tkde duit raye ke? ==